Thursday, August 28, 2008

SemiFinal Ad

This is the concept a little more refined. Yay for refinement. It's supposed to be an add for Toy R Us, but it feels decidedly un-ad like to me. Any suggestions?

AD Concept

This is my first ad concept. Needs a lot of work still, but it'll happen.

sudoku review

wk 7_j strouse

Sunday, August 24, 2008

week_7 comps

Hey all,
Here's another spread for ya... I need to find a image to place in the corner, but my internet is being funky right now, and so, I will have to finish that up sometime soon.
Hope you had a good weekend, and I will see ya'll when I see you.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

monopoly page

Jackie-brain teasers/ sudoku pages


For some reason, the blog isn't reading my illustrator turned jpeg image. But here are my source images.

haltones_week 6

So, I just did a whole buncha halftones to all the images I want to use in my pages, but it won't let me post them up. I'm not sure if it doesn't like to read halftones, or what. I'm going to pump out at least one layout comp for tonight to show you guys and Lindsey. See you there ladies!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

week_6 Page Comp 1

Hey gals,
Here's one of the review pages semi-done up, hope to have my double truck on the Strategies article semi-done for tomorrow night, if we're gonna make pace and get this done for Week 10.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

new graphic standards


new estimate

preliminary layout- brain teasers

Week 5 Update

So this is our estimate sheet and the standards for the nameplate and the final printed size of the magazine. Also, these are the revised and completed icons for the pages.

wk_5 Text Flow

Here's the text-flow...for the most part.


Jax, You rule on the estimate sheet.
I've got the text-flow done up, I just have taken grabs of it all and posted them up, I'll do this early before class, should be there around 5 or so.
Bethany should be there too, so we can all square things out, and hopefull present and get the heck out--like Lindsey said--early!

See you then!


I'm working on finishing the graphic standards right now. I had a few questions about some of the choices we want to make (like colors, type sizes, etc.) Please let me know if you feel strongly one way or another about these issues, otherwise, I'll just bring in the choices I have and we can go from there. I'll get to class a bit early (probably 20-30 mins.) to work on this, so if you want to show up early as well, then we can get all our stuff ready for presentations. See you then!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

my redesign for the estimate sheet


so here's what I came up with for the estimate sheet. I put the ai file on the transfer drive if you want to alter it at all. We each need to come up with our own numbers by tomorrow though and then we can add them all together to give to Lindsey. Let me know what you think ladies!

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Links found for Board Game Copy:
(Scrabble tips)
(Scrabble info)

Word Doc on Transfer for ((Rock Band vs. Guitar Hero))...
Grid Template (indd) on Transfer

Icons (missing Written Games):

Ad possibilities (need to be re-formatted to pop-art style):

monopoly ad

so it needs a lot of tweaking, but here's the basic idea for a monopoly ad.

brain teasers_week 4

here's the brain teasers i've illustrated so far.

my work this week

Hey ladies,

I've just been working on getting all the copy ready for my pages. I think I'm pretty set so far, but there may be a few instances when I'll have to fill in some stuff.

Also, when I was looking over the folio and coming up with copy, I accidentally came up with copy for Joey's review of a card game, so if you want to use what I have so far as a starting point, go right on ahead. I'll bring it to class tonight so you both can look it over and tell me what you think.

I'm gonna start checking out images and taking pictures of game I have at home.

I'll see ya in class!

Friday, August 1, 2008

What I forgot to bring!

Hey ladies,

So here's the "idea board" that I had all mocked up to bring to class last night (Thurs) but forgot. I don't know if there's anything from here that we could still use. I definitely want to stick with Joey's logo, because I think that looks great and flows with the whole idea. I'll bring this file next week in case there's anything we can use (like any of the icons, colors, etc.)

Have a great weekend!
